by Shari Dinkins You been given your first assignment team teaching–but you have no time to actually teach the darn thing. What to do? Tell the Chair…

[private] by Rob Schnelle Stooping to clear the corrugated steel overhang of an 8-by-30-foot cargo container, Leo Hemridge exits his new office, shielding his eyes in wan…

by Rob Schnelle A Faculty Development Day Conference at Nimby State University February 6, 2005 “If you have achieved excellence, let others light their candle off it.”—Carmen…

by Evelyn Beck EVEN ON-LINE, THE voice of a single course instructor can grow wearisome over the length of a semester. One way to pique student interest, and invigorate…

I recently read a piece about New Jersey Governor Corzine's pension reform plan. The long and short of it is that the Governor's proposal would exclude anyone…

People send me letters, emails, newsletters, book proposals, pleas for money, applications for employment, and all manner of information. Yesterday, I got a faxed copy of the…

Today, the Dalton McGuinty government introduced legislation which would make it legal for all of Ontario's 12,500 part-time faculty to bargain collectively. Read the press release about…

Listen to my blog entry here. Everyone hurries through certain tasks. I hurry through brushing my hair sometimes in the morning if I am up late. I…

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