ISU Nontenure-Track Faculty Organize
by Gretchen E. Knapp Nontenure-track faculty at Illinois State University have formed the ISU Nontenure-track Faculty Association, IEA-NEA , which launched its organizing campaign on April 2. Nontenure-track faculty are fulltime and part-time temporary employees on one-semester or one-year contracts. Over 400, or 40 percent, of ISU’s faculty are nontenure-track (NTT). The ISU NTT FA seeks to address the concerns of hundeds of temporary professors teaching in ISU classrooms. “Our concerns,” say association officials, “are the same as those of many in today’s globalized workplace: lack of job security, fair pay, and standards for NTT employment.” Over 30 percent of NTTs at ISU have been rehired each semester or academic […]