
One of the things that struck me when I started working on this blog was how little research had been done into the great sea change of academic labor that is using adjuncts instead of tenure-track faculty. However, little research is not no research, and...
My recent posts have ranged over publications and interviews; it seems time to bring this back to me for an embarrassing confession: the common criticisms of adjunct faculty are becoming true about me. That is to say, I've heard it said/seen it written that adjuncts...

In the November 14th issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education sitting on my desk, the following headline is splashed across the front page: "Use of Part-Time Instructors Tied to.

  Perhaps familiarity does breed contempt. Nearly half of post-secondary faculty work as adjuncts, yet Ph.D. students pay them scant attention when choosing dissertation topics. During the past three years, 11 out of 120,000 dissertations examined adjunct faculty use. Ten of the eleven were written by scholars in the...
By Melissa Miller, Ed.D., M.Ed. I just read a great book. It's titled, "The Googlization of Everything," by Siva Vaidhyanathan and it discusses the impacts of Google technology on our world. Of particular interest to me were the chapters about the impact of Google on...
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