Last week I gave an overview of the issues involved in the plagiarism question. This week I'm going to share a personal narrative of one adjunct's experience dealing with plagiarism..
Ah, yes, time to touch on another painful topic: plagiarism. Just as mentioning tenure produces a stream of bile and frustration over one end of a broken system, so does.
My Word! is written in a scholarly style. Blum also uses personal examples from her teaching background. Chapters are best read individually, with time spent between them to ponder the concepts.
by Diane M. Rubino When I first I started teaching, I knew what plagiarism meant and how it related to schoolwork. But student “cheaters” challenged my beliefs. I also assumed.
by P.D. Lesko In a few weeks, the 2012-2013 academic year will ease, grind, screech and/or jolt to a stop, depending on one’s perspective. Final exams and essays will be.
By Lance Eaton Frequent Flyer adjuncts can feel like their life consists of repeatedly having to bring the mountain to the people. Synchronizing information, technology, material, and communication across multiple.