
There are days when I wonder why I even got out of bed. In teaching, these days can sneak up on you when you aren't ready for…

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Recently, I was at a fellow adjunct's house relaxing, enjoying a glass of something sweet, and talking about dining with several other colleagues. Without…

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Spring seems to finally be here. I know because over on my Facebook page people have been posting for a couple of weeks now…

By Kat Kiefer-Newman From their laptops, their Blackberries, their iPhones, and now their iPads they Tweet. They Tweet in the library, the parking lot, walking along the…

By Kat Kiefer-Newman I was late. It almost never happens, but this semester I have an eight o'clock class and it's sometimes difficult to get ready and…

By Kat Kiefer-Newman Do you remember writing those horrible gradeschool essays "What I did for my summer vacation"? I always hated those because we rarely did anything…

Last semester I walked into a class that I had been petitioning to teach since I began at this particular school. It is a class on the…

Last semester I walked into a class that I had been petitioning to teach since I began at this particular school. It is a class on the…

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