California Teachers Association

In California, one part-time faculty has decided to break away from their current union to achieve quality pay, healthcare benefits, and adequate representation on their own. That decision has created a lot of attention. United Faculty (UF) has represented Grossmont College in El Cajon and...

by Chris Cumo Chuck Whitten never expected to be in the eye of a hurricane. A 25-year broadcast journalist, he had come to the College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, California as.

by Jack Longmate AS PART-TIME FACULTY members step up their organizing efforts throughout California, many are faced with the task of working effectively with already-established full-time chapters. Occasionally, there is friction on some campuses between full- and part-time faculty. The diverse and separate needs of...

by Jack Longmate AS PART-TIME FACULTY members step up their organizing efforts throughout California, many are faced with the task of working effectively with already-established full-time chapters. Occasionally, there is.

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