By now, mainstream media outlets have published hundreds, if not thousands of pieces about the plight of part-time faculty. On March 31st, The Nation joined the fray…

Several adjunct faculty, including Keith Hoeller, Ross Borden, Gregory Zobel and Deborah Lewis, have announced the launch of the National Coalition for Adjunct Equity. Ross Borden was quoted…

You know how I hate just linking to someone else's writing. It's, well, so unoriginal. However, in today's edition of InsideHigherEd.com, Greg Zobel has an essay titled…

The AFT recently came out with a new study that concludes part-time faculty are teaching a majority of the courses offered at public colleges and universities in…

[private]I read the AAUP's magazine, Academe, faithfully. I had a very cordial relationship with Dr. Mary Burgan, the long-time General Secretary of AAUP. Mary and I had…

In the November 14th issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education sitting on my desk, the following headline is splashed across the front page: "Use of Part-Time…

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