My recent posts have ranged over publications and interviews; it seems time to bring this back to me for an embarrassing confession: the common criticisms of adjunct…

In my teaching philosophy, the student is embedded within a context, an environment, that can either help or hinder learning. Today I want to talk about an…

I recently wrote about wordriver (and my ambivalence regarding it). This week I'd like to touch on a markedly different publication, Kairos. Kairos is subtitled "A Journal…

The question, dear Horatio, is how often do you change your course material?  Textbooks come out with new editions seemingly every year (or bi-annually at the very…

The old, dirty flatbed truck two vehicles ahead if me is loaded down with assorted shopping carts. Had I noticed, I would have gotten in the other…

I missed a deadline last week.  I teach at ABC College, a proprietary school that is well-known for strict faculty grading deadlines, and I missed one.  I…

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