Why Online Learning Isn’t as Inclusive as You May Think Closer inspection reveals a different reality in online classes, one where student-to-student, faculty-to-student and faculty-to-institution interactions are limited. This article is only available to subscribers. If you're a subscriber, log in. To subscribe, choose the subscription that suits your needs: 1 Year Individual Subscription, 1 Year Library Subscription, 1 Year Academic Department Subscription, 1 Year College Teaching & Learning Center Subscription or 1 Year College Faculty Association/Faculty Union Subscription adjunct faculty, College, college students, digital education, higher education, online learning, part-time faculty Post navigation Prev PostAdjunct Professor of History Wins Danville Community College Outstanding Faculty Award Next PostFive Strategies to Become Visible in a Virtual Classroom You May Also Like Keeping a Sense of Humor: Yes, You Can (and must) Promoting Collaborative Learning in The Online Environment: How Can Faculty Overcome Challenges? Female Astronomers & the Glass Ceiling