A Long Overdue Welcome to AdjunctNation 4.0


by P.D. Lesko

This is a long overdue welcome to the newly redesigned AdjunctNation.com. As always, getting a redesign done always takes more time than one ever expects. This is the fourth major redesign of the site since we put up our first web page in 1993. The technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. What we are able to do with the large volume of editorial content we have with the current template is simply astounding. We did not put editorial content online until 2000, and that was a true leap forward. Visitors can browse the Archive for, literally, days and never read the same article twice.

For the month of September, the site was completely open. Visitors could come and read all of the content. We did this while we finalized work on the software package we use to protect content. Now, users must pay to read most of the content on the site. The day’s articles posted are always free to read, meaning that visitors can read 20-30 free articles each month. I am particularly happy with the content management system we chose, because it allows readers to click through to all of the articles and read about the first 300 words — called a teaser. That way, it’s possible to see whether what we post is what you want to pay to read.

As always, the AdjunctNation blogs, written by our fantastic bloggers, are free to read.

On the front page of the new web site, you’ll see our new Twitter feed. We have 550 followers on Twitter, and about 400 followers on Facebook, both of which we launched within the past year. It has been fun watching AdjunctNation’s social media presence grow, and having the opportunity to interact with folks suing those tools. The whole idea behind Adjunct Advocate magazine, when it was in print, and, later, AdjunctNation.com, was to create community for people who were looking for a place to connect with colleagues.

Our Forums are up and running. You’re reading the posts, and slowly beginning to post your own comments. Don’t hold back! The Forums are the perfect place to ask a question, post some advice, or just let off some steam.

We are reshaping our e-newsletter, and should have it integrated to the site within the next week or so. You’ll be able to join the thousands of people who’ve asked to receive it weekly. We’re also preparing to migrate over our many Adjunct Polls and Adjunct Quizzes. We had so much wonderful content on the old site, and I can’t wait until it’s all up and running on this new platform.

Finally, don’t forget to comment on the articles and blogs. You can do so even if you’re not logged in. As always, thanks to everyone who has visited the site over the past few months. I thank you for your comments, suggestions and for your patience. Happy reading!


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