I recently read a piece about New Jersey Governor Corzine's pension reform plan. The long and short of it is that the Governor's proposal would exclude anyone…

People send me letters, emails, newsletters, book proposals, pleas for money, applications for employment, and all manner of information. Yesterday, I got a faxed copy of the…

Today, the Dalton McGuinty government introduced legislation which would make it legal for all of Ontario's 12,500 part-time faculty to bargain collectively. Read the press release about…

Listen to my blog entry here. Everyone hurries through certain tasks. I hurry through brushing my hair sometimes in the morning if I am up late. I…

Ever been struck by lightning? Ever won $1,000,000 bucks in the lottery? Ever had a tenure-track job handed to you? Hell's Bells, then, you're never standing in…

We recently put our subscription to the New York Times on hiatus for the summer. In the summer, we just don't get around to reading the Friday-Sunday…

I bet you know that politicos in California and New York are cutting higher education. Five will get you ten you haven't heard as much about the…


Listen to my blog entry here. I have this disconcerting habit of answering the phone in a way that makes people think they have reached an answering…

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