CCCCs in San Francisco (2009)


Greg Zobel, who writes the blog for Bedford St. Martin’s web site, and a blog we featured in our piece on adjunct bloggers in the January/February 2008 issue of Adjunct Advocate recently invited me to participate in a workshop he’s putting together for the CCCCs annual conference in San Francisco. The CCCCs organizers may well decide against the including the workshop. Though with the sheer numbers of part-time faculty who teach composition, as well as the number of part-time faculty who teach in California, one would have a hard time imagining why they would nix a workshop for part-timers.

The last time I attended CCCCs, it was in San Francisco, as well. This time around, regardless of whether the workshop proposal is accepted or not, we’ll have a display booth. I also intend to sponsor some sort of event at the conference, perhaps a reception, just for the part-time faculty who attend. I have also decided to underwrite the conference entry fees of 17 part-time faculty to celebrate our 17th year of publication. I will work together with the folks at CCCCs to publicize the conference fee giveaways, as well as the social event for part-timers.

In the meantime, I hope any more temporary faculty who belong to NCTE will join Greg Zobel in putting together proposals for panel and roundtable discussions, as well as workshops for the 2009 CCCCs conference. The theme of the 2009 conference is, aptly enough, “Making Waves.” The deadline is May 2, 2008.

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