Katherine Kiefer-Newman
This week is Spring Break. Well, sort of. No, it is, but not necessarily for me. It's break for some schools, some instructors, some kids, but not all of them..
I was out walking with a friend last week and the conversation turned, as it often does, to school. She'd just finished her college-level writing class and was sharing her.
Last semester I walked into a class that I had been petitioning to teach since I began at this particular school. It is a class on the dark and brooding.
Some days I really love chili peppers. I mean all kinds: habanera, jalapeno, serrano, the band from the 80s and 90s, and also the RateMyProfessor.com chilies. As I get older,.
This morning I was standing in an urban classroom teaching the political ramifications of death for Westerners as viewed through a Japanese lens. In a few hours, I will be.
There are days when I wonder why I even got out of bed. In teaching, these days can sneak up on you when you aren't ready for them. For me,.