

by Christopher Cumo In Canada, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) represents full-time faculty, and roughly equal numbers of sessionals (part-time fac-ulty) and graduate students, estimates…


by Christopher Cumo In Canada, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) represents full-time faculty, and roughly equal numbers of sessionals (part-time fac-ulty) and graduate students, estimates…


ILLINOIS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION organizer David Vitoff and instructor Alan Shiller are pushing for SIUE faculty members to form a union for teaching employees. Professors want to put…


by Chris Cumo The American Federation of Teachers, part of the AFL-CIO, issued its first report on part-time faculty in 1979 and has since been active in recruiting adjuncts…


The Service Employees International Union saw both a win and loss in the Boston-area this week. Adjunct faculty at Bentley University narrowly voted against joining a union within days of Lesley…

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News For the Adjunct Faculty Nation
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