The Last Word


by P.D. Lesko THE QUESTION WAS thorny: How could California community college part-time and full-time faculty pay be equalized? The answer was an elegant and simple idea…


by P.D. Lesko IN NOVEMBER OF 2003, Detroit’s Wayne State University President Irvin Reid addressed a group of 15 state university presidents. In that address, which was…

by P.D. Lesko I DON’T MISS teaching until September rolls around, when, at the least in Michigan, the air turns crisp and the sugar maple leaves look…

by P.D. Lesko THEY SAY THAT a business either changes or it withers and dies. So, for the past two years, I have been casting about for…

by P.D. Lesko In “Parity or Partiality in California: Only Time Will Tell,” published in the January/February 2002 issue of the Adjunct Advocate, author Pam Dillon wrote…

by P.D. Lesko IN THE MARCH 28, 2003 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, I read a piece about a part-time faculty member at Citrus College…

IN THIS ISSUE of the Adjunct Advocate, we’re looking at the subject of distance education and how it impacts adjunct faculty. The idea for the issue originated…


by P.D. Lesko I don’t know a lot about academic publishing–or book publishing in general for that matter. Somehow, I don’t think it’s so very different from…

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